Simple Gym
Row Machine
3-5 minutes warming up on the row machine
Side walks in place
Band around ankles and side step in place, then back step 45 degree angle, then straight back. Repeat with other leg
Arm pull aparts
Short band around wrists with arms low, then pull apart, the repeat with arms at chest level and then again higher up but not directly over head
Active warmups
High leg kicks, quad grabs, front leg grabs, side shuffles, side lunges, high knees, ass kicks
Block step ups
Step ups onto a block or box
Band leg pull aparts
Band around ankles and using wall for support, 1 foot off the ground with knees slightly bent, pulll leg that is off the ground sideways away from other leg then back in
Torso lunges
Forward lunges in place alternating legs and rotate torso at bottom of movement toward forward leg